VIP Spotlight: Linda V
VIP of the Month
Linda V.
Linda V started sewing as a young girl in girl scouts. “I took to it like a fish to water – which surprised my troop leaders because I was such a tomboy – but I loved it and wanted to learn everything I could about it.” She reminisced. Later, in high school, she got a part time job with the express purpose of buying her own sewing machine – a Sing Fashion Mate. “I also bought all the accessories and attachments possible – I wanted to be able to do everything,” she revealed – noting that she does the same thing today.
Last year, she visited Mike and Shannon in Green Township and purchased her first embroidery machine – a Topaz 40. “I always watched the embroidery kiosks at the mall and wanted to be able to do that! So when I went to Luke’s, I wanted to resume the love I had in high school, but with embroidery!” She clarified, mentioning she didn’t want to just buy a machine – she wanted a hobby and community to enjoy it with. “The value is why I came here (To Luke’s). It’s where I can go to learn and get as much support as I need. It doesn’t matter if it’s Green Township, Kentucky, or Tri County – everyone is so incredibly helpful when you’re a Luke’s customer!”
Shortly after buying her machine, Linda quickly became a frequent face at not only Green Township, but many other Luke’s locations. She’s taken classes at both Elsmere and Tri County. “Lukes – and sewing – is my happy place. It keeps my mind fresh – every time I go to a class, or call/stop in with a question I can always learn new things.” She noted that classes offer the opportunity to get out and socialize – making an otherwise solitary hobby a group activity. “I try to tell everyone that they really will be happy with the Luke’s experience – you can come to classes, get the support of educators and employees and ju st seeing what’s out there and what your machine can do is great!”
Just this past month – Linda upgraded to a Viking EPIC, citing the large touch screen and throat space, as well as the easy to use interface. “It’s the most intuitive machine I’ve ever seen,” she exclaimed, excited about her newest purchase. “It’s so easy to use- and if you don’t know something, the Sewing Adviser will walk you through everything.” Viking has always been known for it’s “sewing adviser” tools, but the EPIC takes it to a new level with built in manuals, step by step tutorials, and animated videos right on the screen! “It’s really made for a spectrum of sewers – the most advanced sewers will love it for everything it can do, but those of us just getting our feet wet or reigniting our love because it helps you with everything!”